The pig, sensing Lactose Intolerant Man's thoughts, smacked him over the head and dragged him into the cave, where Cheap Shot had just shown up Happy and Average.

"Man, you guys are naive," he muttered "Oh yeah - looks like it's been made by you too. Didn't even stand up to my feet."

Average stared in awe. This man was a superhero's superhero. But not really. Happy shrugged, and continued on. As the three were now joined by the pig dragging Kmanman's body along, they went into a dimly lit blue-ish room. There were waterfalls all over. And even some vegetation. The sound of the rushing wind on the asteroid was maginified in this room.

Suddenly, a couple plants popped up and started snapping towards the four heroes.

"Good lord." said Happy, and stood uncaring. Cheap Shot looked at them and muttered "Figures you need me to bail you out."

Freaky Kid's body braced its weakling self.

Suddenly Cheap Shot ran out of the room and came back with the others.

"What'd you tell them?" asked Average.
"I told them there was a way to get their original bodies back." whispered Cheap Shot.
"You lied?" whispered Happy.
"Yeah, but they won't help otherwise. We better find them this thing..."

* * * * *

Meanwhile, in an intergalactic weatherstation millions of years in the future, a large man prowled the deck of his spacestation.
"You know," he said to no one in particular "Being able to control the weather and be 100% accurate is one thing... to be the only weather network in the universe is a different matter."
Another heard him from outside. Ping-Pong walked into the room.
"Perrywinkle! You'll have to come quickly. My time-travelling monitor shows that Cheap Shot has failed us, and is now performing favours for the heroes."
"Knowing Cheap Shot, I don't want to know about the favours."
"Neither do I, but still - those heroes could be potential future weather persons."
"Hm - what's that?" said Perrywinkle pointing to a dot on the radar.
"That's... Walrus Man." said Ping-Pong "Never heard of him... he seems kind of depressed, though. A need to be evil."
Perrywinkle grinned.
"He's as good as ours."

All of a sudden, a man fell off the ceiling.
"Ow, sorry about that."
"Scoop! You escaped our bamboo prison! How?"
"That's not important right now."
Perrywinkle, shocked said "I'm going to need to get to the medical ward."
"What is it?" asked Ping-Pong.
"A ward filled with doctors and nurses. We have to stop Scoop before he reveals our plans for Universal Weather Domination. Remember, we're the evil guys, here."
"Right." said Ping-Pong "Now, get what's comin' to ya!" he shouted towards Scoop.
But Scoop wasn't there. He'd time-travelled to unknown times.
"I'm going to need that ward, too." he said. They both collapsed.

Perrywinkle crawled at a rather slow pace around the station. He'd forgotten the way to the ward, and was now in the library, but figured since he was here, he must be close to wherever it was he'd been going. As he blinked a couple times, stars flashed before him. The weather on the planet Zantar was changing again. He smiled, the were changing the weather themselves. And then he forgot why he was smiling and continued to crawl. Upon reaching the ward, he was given enough medical treatment to put him on his feet, and then a complimentary sponge bath and coupon for the spa ward. He didn't realize he'd just paid for $500 worth of morphine.

Then he remembered that the superheroes might take control of the weather domination station - or whatever it was, so he went back to a large room. The observatory. There, a man named Barber Boy awaited him.

"Mr. Perrywinkle-" he began.
"I know." said Perrywinkle. But he didn't. The two sat blissfully unaware, in Perrywinkle's case, and panicked out of his mind in Barber Boy's case, of the time/space continuum turning into a giant salty pretzel.

* * * * *

Cheap Shot insulted the plants, which was ineffective, and the plants decided to attack him. The first attack failed miserably, and the second hit him, scratching him slightly. Meanwhile, Walrus Man sat dejectedly outside the cave, wondering what he should do to become evil. The geysers across from him belted some more air. He then walked demonically and calmly as possible, taking out his camera and snapping a few shots before entering the cave. Staring blankly, he walked in and saw the fight unfolding before him.

Cheap Shot lunged forward, punching the first plant, breaking some of its weak branches. The plant looked nearly defeated, and was unable to move much. The second one lunged forward to strike him, though - and succeeded.
Freaky Kid's body flipped, twisted, contorted, and finally snapped itself in half. Thinking himself dead, Average thought "Huh." but miraculously, the body re-manifested itself, causing a scissor kick through both plants and re-attaching itself. Unfortunately, he was extremely weak. The first plant, feeling quite depressed was hurt even more, and the second one took a chunk of his foot in the side of its trunk. As the second plant lunged towards Cheap Shot, he easily dodged it and snickered. "Of all the things to find in a 'dangerous' cave... you guys really don't do very well."

* * * * *

Onboard the station, Barber Boy became more panicked, and Ping-Pong walked in.

Perrywinkle munched on a glazed doughnut with much the same expression on his face. I need those superheroes to die before they can copyright a universal weather domination station of stuff that rhymes with 'ation'."

Ping-Pong checked a computer.
"They're hurling through space at a rather rapid rate."
"Don't tell me about their digestive problems."
"I mean on the asteroid."
"What asteroid."
"I won't."
Barber Boy looked over.
"Hey - there's a whole cluster of them."
"Yeah - Walrus Man's there." said Ping-Pong.
Perrywinkle looked over. "He'll destroy them all. But first we have to find Scoop."
All three stood motionless. Perrywinkle took another bite of the doughnut.
"Right." said Barber Boy.
"We'll use the time-travelling device." said Ping-Pong.
They headed towards the computer deck, purposefully striding and knocking over other superheroes.
"Hey! Do we have a tracer on Scoop?"
"Then make a guess."
Ping-Pong closed his eyes and hit buttons on the keyboard for a few minutes. When he opened his eyes, the words "HIGH SCORE" were in front of him.
"Try again."
This time when he opened his eyes, the three were in a large stone city in front of a temple. There were people dressed in togas staring at them. Their station was nowhere to be seen.
"Well, let's start looking for that guy." said Perrywinkle.
"Sure, why not?"

Perrywinkle looked around perplexed. Barber Boy flicked his razor a couple times before cutting his thumb. Ping-Pong sniffed the air.
"He's here." they said simultaneously.
They began their search at the temple, where there was an old woman knitting and speaking to a small boy. They were both in togas and seemingly enjoying an indoor day at the beach.
"Yo, have you seen Scoop?" asked Barber Boy.
The old woman looked up and said "More aliens?"
"Huh? What d'you mean?"
"Well there was another one just like you here a few minutes ago..."
"Don't have one, sorry."
The supervillains ran out, wild eyed, except for Perrywinkle who fell down the steps and continued to munch on his doughnut on his back. Where was Scoop?