Our story begins...
In a land that was quite like the present and past and future and everything in between it was being multiplied by the square root of a pine cone. This caused much disruption. There was a group of Six Superheroes, so rejected by society that they had no other choice for occupation except for superhero. While they were frolicking amongst each other in a lovely field on a warm evening, that horrible equation took place. The disruption in the universe caused the superheroes to switch their thoughts and brains. The following change occured:
1. Average White Guy took on the physical manifestation of Freaky Kid.
2. Lactose Intolerant Guy took on the physical manifestation of Sober ScienceGuy.
3. Happy McContemplation took on the physical manifestation of Lactose Intolerant Guy.
4. Sober ScienceGuy took on the physical manifestation of Happy McContemplation.
5. Freaky Kid took on the physical manifestation of Kmanman.
6. Kmanman took on the physical manifestation of Average White Guy.

"What this means", realized Sober ScienceGuy, who currently had the talents of Happy McContemplation in this moment of panic, "is that whoever whe have the physical manifestation of, we now have their powers and weaknesses, and they have ours. However, we control their bodies! Isn't that odd." This was true. And as a meteor followed downward, there was an awkward pause, but hey - the story has to start somewhere. Average White Guy (in Kmanman's control) jumped up and said
"Quick - I bet that meteor has a plot developing thing on it, as well as something that can give us our own bodies back!"

"Let's go!" said the Six as unenthusiatically as possible, and they leaped on to the blazing rock...

As Lactose Intolerant's mind was unable to control Kmanman's physical urges, he stepped towards the pig - which smelled quite bad.

As Happy McContemplation's and Average White Guy's brains decided to head towards the cave, the others waited silently, when all of a sudden 'Walrus Man' (the evil villain wannabe, and long-time aquaintance to the heroes) arrived.

"What th?" Freaky Kid's embodiment looked up from the ground mildly interested.
"HEY GUYS!" said Walrus Man "I'm an enemy!"

Average White Guy's Freaky Kid body looked over and said
"Okay." and all the superheroes went back to their contemplation, leaving Walrus Man feeling rather low.
"Oh come on," pleaded Walrus Man "I want to be an infamous supervillain, you know - like Robutnik or whatever on Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Okay." said Happy McContemplation in Lactose Intolerant Guy's body. And the superheroes went their ways.

While Lactose Intolerant Guy's and Freaky Kid's physicalities went with the minds of Happy McContemplation's and Average White Guy's minds, towards the cave. Inside, it was rather dim - but there was enough light to see that it continued on for another thirty feet before it became dark. There was the sound of dropping water in the background - barely audible over the rushing wind of the flying asteroid.

Freaky Kid's mind, had a brief chat with Sober ScienceGuy's mind while they waited patiently, leaning on the geiser, which was oddly cool, andd Kmanman's body controlled by Lactose Intolerant Man's mind crept ever closer to the naked 'pig of temptation', as it had come to be known by Lactose Intolerant Man's mind.

Walrus Man sulked in the corner.

As Happy McContemplations thoughts strode down the cavern in Lactose Intolerant Guy's body, Freaky Kid's body followed cautiously.

"Dude. I think I've got teenage angst syndrome.... dude." muttered Average White Guy within the body.
"Shut up, you pansy." came a voice from the dark.
"Dude." said Average White Guy dejectedly.
Happy McContemplation, without his superbodily power, was unable to contemplate and said "Hello."
"Shut up." said the voice again "I've got a fist here with your name written on it."
"Yeah - take a look."
From the darkness protruded a fist with the words "Happy McContemplation" written on it.
"Well... why is it written there? Who are you?" asked Average White Guy.
"Just like you - not to know a thing." scoffed the voice. "I'm Cheap Shot. It's written there, because I'm supposed to kill you."
"But you don't have to, right?" said Happy.
"That's right."
"Why would you want to kill us? You don't even know us."
"Well, the guy who hired me did. But now that I look at you, it looks like you'll kill yourself before I do."
"Who hired you?"
"A weatherman from the future."
"I thought so."
"So..." interrupted Freaky Kid. "Where to?"
"I'm not sure. The weatherman sent me back in time to this cave. I haven't found anything yet."
"I thought so."
"Shut up."

As Freaky Kid's body descended with Lactose Intolerant Guy's body into the cave, the dripping of water sound grew louder and louder.
Cheap Shot stood and kicked the ground softly. As Lactose Intolerant Guy and Freaky Kid's bodies disappeared from view, there was a high-pitched girlish scream. Cheap Shot smirked.

"Well this is good," thought Average White Guy "On top of being in the wrong body, there's a damsel in distress."
"Let's go!" said Happy, and deeper they went, until they hit a wall with awkward symbol writing on it.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, outside the cave, the other Fantastic Six Billion were witness to first the sound of a high-pitched scream, but secondly to Walrus Man twitching oddly for about thirty seconds before he became stable again.

"Whoah." said the others.

As Happy and Average White Guy studied the odd symbol, Cheap Shot came giddily down the corridor and smacked into the wall, as well. And then stood there, too.